Business activities
  • Airport ground handling services

    We are working on creating a global workplace environment with good communication under the leadership of Director Kobayashi at the Airport operation. We completed registration as a Restricted Area Access Operator at Kansai International Airport on April 30, 2024, and obtained approval for on-site operations at Kansai International Airport on May 10, 2024. We have started importing the special equipment necessary for ground handling from June 2024.


    2024年4月30日に関西国際空港制限区域立入事業者の登録を完了し、同年5月10日に関西国際空港での構内営業承認を取得しました。 グランドハンドリングに必要な特殊機材の搬入を2024年6月より開始しています。
  • Registration support agency

    The registered support organization for specific skills acts as a bridge between foreign workers and Japanese companies, aiming to create a smooth employment environment.


  • Development of human resources

    Good human resources are those who can collaborate not only on their own tasks but also with their team, and can develop their juniors and subordinates. We believe that human resource development requires not only training but also education. In our human resource development department, there are training specialists who are dedicated to this purpose. We create educational plans tailored to each individual's level of learning based on the department they are assigned to, in order to ensure that employees can grow and develop. We also provide a supportive environment to help alleviate the anxieties of those who are inexperienced.


    優れた人材は、自分の業務だけでなくチームとの協力もでき、後輩や部下を育てることができる人材です。 私たちは人材育成にはトレーニングだけでなく教育も必要と考えています。当社の人材育成課では、この目的に専念するトレーニングスペシャリストが数名在籍しております。 従業員が成長し発展できるように、所属する部署に基づいてそれぞれの学習レベルに合わせた教育計画を立案しています。未経験者の不安を和らげるために支援環境も整えています。
  • Contracting business

    Our company has a wide range of business dealings in airport and car-related sectors, with a wealth of experienced personnel who have accumulated experience both domestically and internationally. In addition to experienced professionals, we also actively cultivate talent by accepting a large number of individuals from domestic vocational schools and overseas universities.


  • Labor Dispatch Business

    Companies can hire workers for only the necessary period, allowing them to reduce labor costs. Additionally, temporary employees can gain experience in various companies, enabling them to acquire a range of skills and experiences. Labor dispatch services are utilized as a flexible employment option that meets the needs of both companies and workers.


    企業は必要な期間だけ労働者を雇うことができ、労働コストを削減することができます。 さらに、派遣労働者はさまざまな企業で経験を積むことができ、さまざまなスキルや経験を身につけることができます。 労働派遣サービスは企業と労働者の両方のニーズを満たす柔軟な雇用オプションとして利用されています。